As part of the 2027 Capital Improvement Plan, the current fire station is due for a construction upgrade or replacement. The original fire station was built in 1966, with an addition being completed in 2000. The current fire station is at maximum capacity to meet the needs of the community and personnel. Some areas where we see the most significant impacts are apparatus bay space, where modern-day fire apparatus are much larger than when the current bays were constructed, administrative and daily staffing work areas, training space to accommodate a roster of more than 50 personnel, storage space, personal decontamination for cancer prevention, and sleeping quarters for men and women.
The ongoing analysis is to find the best way to proceed with the project that meets the needs and constraints of the fire/EMS District’s partners. After receiving and evaluating the Request for Proposals, followed by a presentation of the project bidders, the OAFED Commission has chosen Wendel’s Five Bugles Design team to complete the project. The project will consist of a space needs analysis, response time analysis, and site review to provide a thoughtful and educated plan to enhance and grow the OAFED into the future.
We look forward to the next step in this process, which is to see the vision of future enhancements that will positively affect the OAFED response district and neighboring communities.
For questions please contact Fire Chief Glenn Linzmieier.
Click here to view the informational release.